Week 6 of 12: dark arts, art in the dark

ARTISTS | Eric Heitmann, Sage Wheeler & Sarah van Sloten, Caitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett

Sage Wheeler & Sarah van Sloten began the evening with a collaborative performance, reading a co-written poem and strategically deconstructing a homemade cake into halves, halves of halves, halves of halves of halves, and so on, until the poem was over. The remaining cake was consumed. Costumes (bibs) were worn, together reading OUTTO LUNCH.



Participants were taken down into the basement, where they were blindfolded. Eric Heitmann played a layered and experimental musical performance to blinded listeners, with assistance from Wayne Garrett. At the conclusion of the performance, viewers (non-viewers) sat in the dark and discussed the work.


Caitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett installed a domestic iteration of a pre-existing work, The Deep Dark, with new programming and configuration. Arranged in a circle, the gates illuminated one at a time, with increasing speed every revolution, As viewers followed the light, they increased their speed – chasing the light until it began to chase them – and eventually reset.


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