Week 5 of 12: a potluck for voracious mouths and minds, with an unexpected ending

ARTISTS + PARTICIPANTS | Alia Shahab, Breann Christie, Caitlind Brown & Wayne Garrett, Daniel Barossa, Elyse Bouvier, Eric Heitmann, Joanne MacDonald, Karolina Gawejska, Tom Brown & Others

Participants were invited to bring strange food to a potluck, resulting in a feast of oddities, ranging from sweet guacamole to chocolate-coated chicken, tripe soup to beet-pinkened bread, peanut butter soup to marshmallow casserole, and beyond!

Tom Brown brought his tiny, hand-crafted kitchen – an ongoing series called Feeding the Masses – and cooked miniature apple fritters, feeding them to feasters. His finely crafted miniature kitchen implements were spread across the table-top.


Elyse Bouvier congealed meringue clouds into blue jello skies, in a ode to her prairie photography and the Alberta landscape.


Eric Heitmann sculptured a 3-dimensional skillet, complete with frying bacon and egg – classic, hearty, breakfast foods.


After dinner, Caitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett invited feasters to the basement, where the strange contents of their stomachs were amplified and recorded with contact microphones. These sounds were collected with the intention of using the audio for a future Hibernation Project – Isolation / Insulation.

As dessert, Nikki Martens presented a Lavender Seance, spreading drive lavender in the basement, inviting feasters to sit in a circle and listen to a lavender audio track, and feeding everyone lavender sorbet – an experience for many senses.





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